Guests: Dee Wallace
Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of chocolate cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world, and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. This week we bring you a cure for the Halloween candy hangover, because while the jack-o-lanterns might already be going soft there’s still the smell of Frankenberry in the air. That’s right Cerealites, it’s time for our “cerealized” version of a Halloween Special: The 5th annual Franken Berry Season Show! This year it’s all frights and bite-sized delights with a spooky look back at the kooky horror of all those Gremlins movies that weren’t actually technically “Gremlins” movies, from Ghoulies to Munchies and on up to the very cream of the knockoff crop – Critters! We even talk to star Dee Wallace (E.T., Cujo) about working on the original Critters back in 1986 and now returning to the franchise with the horrifying 2019 release of Critters Attack!
Join Grim Shea, Marke, and Jimmy the Gent for everything we think we can remember from these 80s classics, a roundtable discussion with Dee Wallace at SDCC 2019, plus an all new recently-unearthed-from-the-crypt episode of Saturday Morning Cereal Playhouse!
Dee Wallace
Critters, E.T. the Extra-Terrestial, Cujo