The Saturday Morning Cereal Radio-Show Podcast Season 8 Episode 2 a BlogTalk Radio Featured Episode!
Air Date Saturday September 5, 11:00am PT
Hoops: A Profanity Joke Dream! Jake Johnson, Ron Funches, Cleo King, Natasha Leggero

Hoops: A Profanity Joke Dream! with guests Jake Johnson, Ron Funches, Cleo King & Natasha Leggero Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of chocolate cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. This week we talk to and about the cast of Hoops, a raunchy cartoon that has really grown up with us! Not to brag, but just take a gander this week’s stable of guests, each one so revered, so witty, so hip, so funny, so often-imitated-never-duplicated, these stars of the new hit animated show– we got Jake Johnson (New Girl, Jurassic World), Ron Funches (Trolls, Harley Quinn), Cleo King (Hangover, Pineapple Express) & Natasha Leggero (Another Period, Dice)! If you need evidence that our generation still wants another cartoon that definitely ain’t for kids, may we present Hoops from creator Ben Hoffman, out now wherever you get your Netflix. Even by grown up TV standards, this cartoon is seriously grown up. Homer Simpson circa 1990 would blush. There’s your advisory. So as long you’re adult enough to not get all worked up about a dumb cartoon, join hosts Dan “Grim” Shea, Marke, & Jimmy the Gent and let’s go giggle at an onslaught of dick jokes together. Oh, and again, we got Ron Funches y’all! So you know we nerd out and get a little Funch Drunk. You would too, the man is a gem. You can check us out 24/7 at, @stayclassySDCC, @RetroCoolNerd, @GrimShea
Jake Johnson
(New Girl, Jurassic World)

Ron Funches
(Trolls, Harley Quinn)

Cleo King
(Hangover, Pineapple Express)

Natasha Leggero
(Another Period, Dice)