The Saturday Morning Cereal Radio-Show Podcast Season 8 Premier Episode!
Air Date Saturday August 22, 8:00am PT
Transformers: War for Cybertron with Composer Alexander Bornstein

Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of chocolate cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. This week, we dare to be stupid with an in-depth look and discussion of maybe the greatest toy line of all time, The Transformers!
For this episode we put the rubber to the road with special guest and frequent co-host, Slick McFavorite of Open Your Toys podcast to learn about the history of the toy line, it’s shared origin with the epic 1984 TV series cartoon and the evolution of The Transformers in cartoon series, cartoon movies, live action movies and now in high-end anime found in the new Netflix produced Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy.
For additional insight into the War for Cybertron, we talk with the man tasked with crafting the music for the series, composer Alexander Bornstein (The Boys, Lost in Space). Is there more than meets the eye or is it just a talking dump truck?
Join hosts Grim Shea, Marke and Jimmy The Gent as they get to heart of The Transformers and maybe crack wise and get all nostalgic for cartoons, movies, comics and comic-cons! Check us out at, and and follow the hosts that matter @stayclassySDCC, @RetroCoolNerd, and @OpenYourToys.
Alexander Bornstein
Transformers: War for Cypertron, The Boys, Lost in Space